Two recent seminars you may find interesting:
- Dr. Natalia Dudareva, Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research, University Faculty Scholar, Professor, Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN presented Floral Scent: Gateway to Original Creation. Click here to view.
- Dr. Rick Schoellhorn, Director of New Products, Proven Winners L.L.C., Alachua, Florida presented New & Unique plants – Ready, Set, Go: Discovery, Development, Release, Pandemonium! Click here to view.
Also, our fifth lecture in the Distinguished Lecture Series on International Floriculture will be presented by Dr. Peter Bretting, the USDA/ARS National Program Leader for Plant Germplasm and Genomes. The title of his Lecture is “Horticultural Genetic Resources: Current Status and Future Prospects“. A reception will be held at 2:30 p.m. in the Texas A&M; Horticulture/Forest Science Building atrium on Wednesday, April 9, followed by his Lecture at 3:00 p.m. in room 102 HFSB.
Dr. Bretting has been USDA/ARS National Program Leader, Plant Germplasm and Genomes since 1998, and was promoted to the rank of Senior National Program Leader in 2004. This position involves co-leadership, coordination, and direction of a national program of crop genetic research conducted at more than 50 locations nationally, with an annual budget of approximately $120 million. He also serves as a USDA representative for the US government delegations negotiating the UN-FAO International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the UN-UNEP Convention on Biological Diversity.
His areas of research specialization and professional interest include: 1) Administration and management of scientific research, development, and service organizations; 2) Plant genetic resource management, emphasizing statistical genetic and molecular marker approaches to managing germplasm; 3) Crop genetics, genomics, systematics, and economic botany, with particular emphasis on maize, sunflowers, and new crops, especially ornamentals.
He is the co-editor of one book and a collection of papers, and the author or coauthor of numerous scientific publications. His research has been supported by grants from government and industry. He has served as Associate Editor of two international journals, and on the editorial boards of two others. With three other Iowa State University or USDA/ARS scientists, he taught “Plant Genetic Resource Management,” a graduate level course at Iowa State University during the 1990s.
The Distinguished Lecture announcement can be found online at