FYI — Dow AgroSciences is sponsoring a successful landscape business owner/entrepreneur, Marty Grunder, who will be hosting a business building seminar on August 27th in Dallas and Aug. 28th in Houston. This is an excellent opportunity for professional lawn care/landscape, golf course managers, pest control, and other green industry professionals to come and learn about some of the practical things Marty has done over the years to start with a $25 lawn mower in high school and grow his landscape company to over $4 Million as of last year!
Marty is a friend of mine; I have heard him speak on many occasions and I can vouch for the fact that he knows his stuff, has a big heart, and sincerely wants to share his success secrets. I promise you — you will NOT come away from his seminar disappointed, but you will come away with a much bigger to-do list than you have now!
Go to Register at to register today!