You have heard me say it before (and other industry pundits in similar fashion) that firms in the midst of hypercompetition must dig deep in analyzing firm-level resources and capabilities in order to shave every possible cost out of the value chain. But on the demand side of the coin, they must also tweak their value proposition so that the customer understands fully what it is they are getting out of the product/service exchange. You’ve also heard me say that the value proposition for the green industry in the future must focus on the unique ways in which quality of life is improved for its customer base. Much research has validated the economic, environmental, and health/well-being benefits of flowers, plants, and trees. All the green industry has to do now is to use this information to convince consumers of this in a manner that they view their products and services as necessities instead of luxuries. This will, of course, make the industry even more weather and recession resistant in the future. Click below to see more detailed information on the:
- Economic benefits of green industry products (flowers, shrubs, trees, etc.)
- Eco-systems services benefits of green industry products
- Health and well-being benefits of green industry products
Also, if you’d like to see detailed abstracts for all of the literature citied in the benefits sections above, click here.