Exciting New Plants Entering the Pipeline
Join us for a webinar on May 17, 2019 at 11:00 AM CDT.
Dr. Pemberton’s area of research is in nursery and floriculture crop production and physiology. His research has an emphasis on field production of rose plants including work on propagation and irrigation practices, production systems, weed and disease control, and postharvest care and shipping. He is currently working with a group of scientists on improving disease resistance in roses. In addition, bedding plant pack and garden trials are performed each spring and fall featuring new varieties available for production in the bedding plant industry.In this webinar, Dr. Brent Pemberton will discuss exciting new plants that entering the green industry pipeline based on his observations at CAST, his own plant trials in Overton, Texas, and with his participation in the Texas Superstar program. New product development is an important strategy for the industry so you do not want to miss this!