The OFA Short Course, Columbus Ohio
Saturday, July 10th8 AM – 12 PM
Crop Management Workshop: Keeping You & Your Customers Happy (4 hours)
Charles Hall, Texas A&M University
Michelle Jones, The Ohio State University, OARDC
Claudio Pasian, The Ohio State University
George Staby, Perishables Research Organization, Chain of Life Network
Terri Starman, Texas A & M University
Don’t keep throwing your money away. Plant losses (or shrinkage) during production, shipping and retailing negatively impact your bottom line. In this session, you will learn how to manage plant quality throughout the production and marketing chain so that you can realize maximum salability and profit from your crops. This session will look at how fertility, temperature, light, container design, growing media, wetting agents, hydrogels, packaging, transportation, and ethylene can affect the shelf life of bedding and potted plants. You will learn how the application of anti-ethylene compounds and abscisic acid based plant growth regulators can be used to enhance plant stress tolerance and increase plant survivability during shipping. If you produce or sell plants, you will not want to miss this valuable workshop.
The pre-registration price for OFA and ANLA members is $95; the non-member price is $120.
Details can be found on page 64 of the educational programs brochure at
Registrations begins May 11, 2010
To register online go