The 2010 wholesale value of floriculture crops is up 3 percent from the revised 2009 valuation. The total crop value at wholesale for the 15-State program for all growers with $10,000 or more in sales is estimated at $4.13 billion for 2010, compared with $4.00 billion for 2009. California continues to be the leading State with crops valued at $1.01 billion, up 8 percent from the 2009 value. Florida, the next largest producer is down 1 percent from the prior year to $810 million in wholesale value. These two States account for 44 percent of the 15-State total value. For 2010, the top 5 States are California, Florida, Michigan, Texas, and North Carolina, which account for $2.75 billion, or 66 percent, of the 15-State total value.
The number of producers for 2010, at 6,126, is down 7 percent in the 15 States compared with the revised 2009 count of 6,561. The number of producers with sales of $100,000 or more dropped 7 percent to 2,706 for 2010 from 2,918 in 2009. In the 15-State program, total covered area for floriculture crop production was 725 million square feet. However, these data are not comparable with the 2009 revised area of 807 million square feet because the 2009 data was collected in conjunction with the Census of Horticultural Specialties and included area used for production of nursery crops as well as floriculture crops.
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