From Mark Perry: The map below is from the latest housing report from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, showing the “Four-Quarter Price Change by State” from 2007:Q2 to 2008:Q2.
Notice that the biggest price decreases have taken place in 4 states: CA (-15.8%), NV (-14.1%), FL (-12.4%) and AZ (-9.2%), see previous CD post (data through 2008:Q1 for that post).
Further, house prices have increased over the last year in 30 states, including increases of above 4% for two states (OK and WY), and increases at or above 3% for 12 states (OK, WY, TX, OK, SD, ND, MS, AL, NC, SC, KY, WV). Finally, more than half of the states (27) have experienced home price increases of 1% or greater, and 30/50 states have experienced price increases over the most recent year (2007:Q2 to 2008:Q2).